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From time to time,

We are all required

To play for quite some time,

Until we feel like we’ve transpired.

Using our breath, we release our body,

Through our mind, we liberate our folly,

Within our spirit, we unleash our hobby.

So as to make our thinking not only limber,

But filled with glimmer.

Limber for its liberty,

Freedom for its dexterity.

Retreat from all appendages so completely,

And become egoless unconditionally.

Our true being plunged within itself,

Bearing witness to its abundant unnamed source upheld.

Let go once more unequivocally,

Our spirit requires our embrace with exigency.

The air breathes us,

Nothing left to fuss.

No longer distressing,

As the soothing bellows of the ocean, effervescing.

A. Johnson

Tennis Ball

Inspired by:

Miles Davis

Inspired by:

Eugen Herrigel

Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel


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